Monday, October 15, 2012

Collage Boards & Concept Models

Site Impression

After visiting the site these are the words/feelings that came to my mind:

  • Past vs. Present
  • Industrial factories
  • Tourist attraction
  • Water
  • Lights
  • Movement

Site Impression concept models

The word "Connection"

This is what the word "connection" means to me:
  • Interaction
  • Bond/link
  • Similarities
  • Attraction

"Connection" concept models


The images that I used for my collage represent the program of my Spa Hotel, which can be described by these words:

  • Connection
  • Relaxation
  • Serenity
  • Peacefulness
  • Balance
  • Warmth

Program concept model


  1. Emilie, can you please describe verbally what you are trying to say with these images.
    You also need to explain the assignment. You have to remember that your audience does not know what is going on in class.

  2. Hey there! My curiosity is piqued with your "site impressions" image! Do you have a board of site context images so we can see what inspired your impressions board? It will also help all of us evaluate your proposals.
    Do you have or are you going to build a sketch up model of your site context? I would highly encourage it!
    I have to make a comment on your program board: it seems only one image stands in stark contrast to the others ;^] This also adds to the mystery of the site impressions.
    Also, without explanation, it is hard to draw a connection between all three image boards as they are different in form, imagery, and graphic style.
