Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Site Analysis


  1. I knew there was work being generated and good to see it! I also learned much by using Google Earth street view to get around your site and understand where the images were taken. It would be helpful to create a simple key plan to reference images (reduce amount of work for your jury to research your research).
    I look forward to the summary of the analysis and information you collected. You may have heard of the analysis acronym SWOT: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. For example, you list the BB Park is "noise generator" but make no qualitative assessment that it would be considered a great asset as a significant open space. I would encourage you to do analyze the info you collected.
    Collecting information is great yet how we use it to arrive at a solution is the key!

  2. Nice work collecting information. The key is now what to do with it. For some project, focusing on how the history has shaped the site, is really appropriate, for others, circulation is the key issue. You might have to prioritize and decide what information is the most significant in designing a new intervention on this site. I hope you spend some time walking around your site, and maybe even talking to residents.

    I also love the presence of the bridge vs your site. It could be a strong form giver. See for example:

  3. I agree this is very good research. A wide variety of information is now known, but what you must do now is specify what is most relavant to you and your site. The sun study is very informative in that you should know begin research as to how you are designing to obtain a sunlit space despite the towering buildings along the street. Also, I am intereted in the amount of green space that surrounds your site. Maybe this could inspire aspects of your design to allow your new infrastructure to implement cohesively within your site. So many options, analysis and further details can be obtained from your studies so I too suggest more analysis of the information above.
    Also the research you have done is on a very large scale, I suggest spending time at your site and writting down who comes to your site (age, gender), how people use your site, and how people move within your site. In many cases people establish 'short cuts' through the city, maybe your site has these. It would also be good to note high usage times and low usage times.
    Overall, good work!
